The two-piece found space with relative ease playing an intense set of an industrial, distorted mess of fuzzy, effect heavy guitar leads by Simon Bowden fighting the ricochetal mania that was Steve Cournane’s drumming. Playing last year as well, their sound belting down through the passage to the entrance was a great way to snap an audience into gear for the night.
Appleyard, H (2019) Concert Review: A Special Kind Of Debauchery At The Experiment, [website] Radio 13
New Zealand has produced a small but solid share of free music. This one starts and ends with a vocal spoof, but in between is some strong playing by the trio. The instrumentation is the popular combination of sax, drums, and guitar, but these fellows take their wares to the outer limits. "Forbidden Planet" is a screecher, with Nils Olsen's sax riding high over Simon Bowden's distorted guitars and Steve Cournane's bombastic drums. "Ornette" is worthy of its namesake, with raucous explosions of sound, although the alto falls somewhat short. Elsewhere, the energy is not so intense, but the level of performance remains generally high. If anything, these fellows show lots of potential, some of it unrealized. But, there is enough inspiring work here, combined with a wicked sense of humor, to make it all worthwhile
Lowey, S (1998) Debut Album Review, All Music